Crystal ball gazing for 2018
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The guys and gals at personal training company Nuyoo have analysed Mintel’s recent Beauty and Personal Care report and have picked up on the following key beauty trends for 2018:
 1. Au Naturel
The concept of natural beauty is expanding in 2018 and brands will give Mother Nature a helping hand by encompassing local approaches and developments in biotechnology. Indeed, 50% of UK consumers who invest in beauty will look for products made with natural ingredients.
2. The Individual
Brands will stop targeting consumers based on age, gender or body type, as consumers search for personalised beauty defined in their own terms. The Chinese sum this up perfectly, they say, as 31% of Chinese consumers aged 20-49 say that the word ‘individuality’ defines luxury.
3. Campaign Capital
Simply selling a great beauty product will no longer be enough. In 2018, brands will need to have a personality and purpose that aligns with consumers’ own beliefs to win them over. In support of this, 56% of US consumers have stopped buying products from a brand if they believe they are unethical and 37% of UK consumers consider whether a product has been animal-tested before they buy.
4. Private Eye
Digital technology will influence how people buy in 2018 and will navigate their journey through the complexities of the beauty aisle – both in-store and online. Over 60% of US iGeneration beauty buyers aged 18-22 prefer to search for product information in store on their mobile device than ask a counter assistant!