Developing resilience

The Covid-19 pandemic has increased workload and pressure facing pharmacy teams, placing particular importance on resilience: the ability to cope with stress and stay calm in challenging situations.

Resilient people

View difficulties as challenges

Keep going when things are hard

Focus on solutions, not problems

Nobody is perfect and it can be difficult to remain calm during these uncertain times. The good news is resilience can be developed and strengthened.

Tips for developing resilience:

  • Spend time and energy focusing on situations that you have control over, (e.g. working to keep customers safe within the pharmacy) rather than worrying about things you can’t control
  • Choose your response – sometimes you can’t control the events that happen to you, but you can always choose how you respond. Choose to remain calm and find a logical solution
  • Practise thought awareness – notice how you talk to yourself when things go wrong. If you respond with negative self-talk, try challenging these thoughts
  • Set personal goals – when you achieve a goal, even a very small one, this builds your self-confidence
  • Strengthen relationships with your colleagues so you can support each other through challenges as a team.