Mintel predicts top beauty trends for 2018


Mintel predicts top beauty trends for 2018

 Mintel has revealed four trends it believes will impact the global beauty market in 2018. It predicts that biotechnology, together with a resurgence of local wisdom, will help brands tackle the challenges created by environmental issues, with local ingredient sourcing and production helping to increase sustainability. Mintel also believes brands will stop targeting consumers based on their age, gender or body type as consumers increasingly demand personalised beauty defined on their terms, resulting in greater customisation of products. ‘Campaign capital’ is another key trend, with the onus on brands to go beyond corporate social responsibility and truly give back to society; for example, by funding educational projects. Finally, Mintel says biometric monitoring will encourage a more intuitive shopping experience. Visit here to download the Global 2018 Beauty & Personal Care Trends report.

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